Top 16 Digital Marketing Trends for 2023

Digital marketing is a very dynamic process that keeps on changing according to market demands and trends Here are some trends of digital marketing that nobody is talking about. 

So, if you read a lot and always stay updated, then you must hear of chatbots and AI that will be going to change the upcoming world but we already know that. Actually, everybody knows that, so what makes you an expert? 

So let's talk about those trends that nobody focuses on and that will be going to scale your business to another level of success in 2023. 

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Digital Marketing trend of 2023

Top 16 digital marketing trends that nobody is talking about.

1. Inclusivity

As our societies become more diverse and interconnected, it’s more important than ever that companies are thoughtful about the messages, images, voices, and values that represent their brands — as well as their greater social impact.

Digital marketing strategies

One look at the front page headlines shows the significance of inclusivity in our current time and place in history. More significant numbers by the day, especially younger audiences and marginalized groups, want to see a more optimistic depiction of equality in the content they consume and the brands they purchase from. Or more accurately, they don’t want to see the same homogeneous content we’re accustomed to from previous decades.

In 2023, digital marketing includes media and subject matters that cover a variety of races, sexualities, religions, etc., as well as representation of people with physical disabilities and learning disabilities. This includes the content for your imagery and videos, but also the topics you discuss on social media and blogs, or even the line of products you offer.

The research from Kantar’s #WhatWomenWant marketing campaign shows the growing number of consumers who support equality.

According to Accenture, this cultural shift is already affecting purchasing behavior: 41% of shoppers “have shifted… their business away from a retailer that does not reflect how important [identity and diversity] is to them.” The same study showed that 29% of consumers are willing to switch brands completely if they don’t showcase enough diversity—and that percentage just goes up for ethnic minorities and the LGBT+ community.

2. Metaverse 

The Metaverse is defined as a spatial computing platform that provides digital experiences as an alternative to or a replica of the real world, along with key civilizational aspects like social interactions, currency, trade, economy, and property ownership – founded on a bedrock of blockchain technology.

The Metaverse is often referred to as a virtual world within a world, and Meta (Facebook) is the current owner of the Metaverse. It is an undiscovered digital universe where virtual or augmented realities interact to create an interactive environment for everyone. 

Having a digital representation of oneself in a future world where you can do anything you want seems like it has much in common with video games. 

Social trade is now conceivable because of a network of realities/virtual universes where space exists nearly everywhere. That's why today's digital marketers have discovered a way to fill that void and create a brand-new kind of digital marketing with video.

How to move your business to the metaverse? 

Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, said that it could take around 5 to 10 years before the popular features of the metaverse become mainstream. However, a few aspects of the metaverse do exist currently. Ultra-fast broadbands, virtual-reality headsets, and always-online digital worlds are already up and running, even though they are not accessible to all.

From small businesses to larger companies, every brand can step into the virtual world and reap the benefits of having a presence there.

3. NFTs 

NFT stands for “non-fungible token.” The opposite of a fungible token, which can readily be swapped, a non-fungible token is a digital asset defined by its unique properties, and thus non-interchangeability. Because NFTs are minted on blockchains, they’re individually equipped with a unique proof of ownership that is both secure and decentralized. They also feature “smart contracts” that enable their creators to receive royalties from every future resale, depending on the contract’s structure.

NFTs are given away in a lottery as part of their marketing strategy. Marriott Bonvoy's raffle for a free 

NFT and 200,000 Bonvoy points is an excellent examples of this. Adidas, Marriott, and other high-end firms have used digital marketing strategies. Increased NFTs as a marketing tool will open up a world of growth and opportunity.

So, what are some takeaways with regard to NFTs in the context of digital marketing? 

1. NFTs can be viewed as a way to directly connect to your fanbase: ownership is a powerful idea and establishes a closer relationship between your customer and your brand. For example, NFTs allow musicians to sell their music directly to fans instead of going through streaming platforms. 

2. NFTs can be anything digital: a JPEG, a GIF, a 3D animation, a VR artwork, etc. Your brand is no longer restricted to offering physical products or services, but virtual products.

4. Featured snippets & no-click searches

For many, many years, the goal of SEO has been to get your listing in the “position number one” spot of search results. Now, going into 2023 the end goal is continuing to shift to more SEO visibility in “position zero.”

digital marketing strategy

Position zero refers to Google’s “featured snippet”, and 2023 SEO marketing trends are prioritizing it above all else. The featured snippet works differently than other search results entries—for one thing, it’s separated by a small box and located at the top. More importantly, it also displays extra, relevant information in an attempt at answering the user’s question without them needing to click on it, prompting the nickname “no-click search.”

Our blog article wins the featured snippet for “How to design a logo.” Notice how it’s set apart from the other search results for better visibility.

Although it sounds counter-intuitive to forego someone clicking on your link, the recognition you get as a thought leader outweighs a single click/visit. Moreover, featured snippets are sometimes read aloud with Google Assistant voice searches.

If you’re going to target a featured snippet yourself, there are a few things to know. For starters, featured snippets are mostly for long-tail keyword phrases like questions (such as “how to design a logo”). They come in different forms, from step-by-step lists to straight-up definitions to even videos (and more), so match your content with the appropriate format.

In the content itself, make sure you answer the keyword question clearly and succinctly, preferably with bulleted lists or a table structure.

5. Cryptocurrency 

In the Instagram version of the financial world, cryptocurrency is one of the hottest trends. Although no one anticipated its eventual success, it entered the market and gradually swept the competition under the rug. As a result, there are between 10 and 12 million active crypto investors in India, which is expected to grow, given the high rewards.

In the crypto world, a bounty is given in the form of tokens of the cryptocurrency that the platform is promoting. Instead of spending money on advertising to reach potential customers, bounty programs tap into the network of crypto enthusiasts to find new users. Bounties are different from Airdrops.

6. Sustainability: loud and proud

Just like the digital marketing trend of inclusivity, people in 2023 are similarly passionate about environmentalism. They want to make sure the brands receiving their money are just as concerned for planet earth as they are.

digital marketing trend of 2021

With 81% of consumers strongly feeling companies should help improve the environment, what we’re seeing is a popularity boost for sustainable and eco-friendly brands, especially for younger consumers. This goes well beyond the market for green products—every brand can benefit by broadcasting its sustainable practices.

Branding for eco-friendly, green, and environmental companies

With the right digital marketing design, you can visually communicate your brand’s environmentalism without saying a word.

The key is communicating your sustainability through your branding and content to make environmentalism part of your identity. There are plenty of different ways depending on your branding style, such as displaying a banner prominently on your site or discussing it repeatedly on social media. You can even opt for more subtle methods, such as branded reusable tote bags or conveying green themes through your brand’s visual identity.

7. Social Commerce 

Social commerce is the process of selling products and services directly through social media. With social commerce, the entire shopping experience from product discovery and research to checkout, takes place right on social media.

Regarding social commerce, China has already established a billion-dollar business out of it, whereas India is just getting started. Brands use social media platforms to promote their items live, and the audience can purchase the product there and then. 

Brands may leverage Instagram's Shop feature to add a Show Now option to live videos. One of the best digital marketing trends for 2023 is social commerce, which has lowered the time it takes for customers to go from seeing an ad to purchasing something.

8. Ad-blocker blockers

The digital marketing trends of 2023 aren’t all about positivity and progress—it’s also about overcoming obstacles like ad blockers. With 27% of internet users expected to use ad blockers in 2023, many marketers are having their primary stream of traffic automatically cut off at the source, including PPC campaigns.

digital marketing trends

First, you want to check how big of a problem it is for you—your ad data and analytics should tell you what you need to know. Depending on your target audience or where you post ads, the damage might be negligible.

If your ads do fall victim to ad blockers, your best strategy is to adapt—don’t waste time trying to convince potential customers to change their own preferences. Readjust your advertising budget to suit other, more fruitful campaigns, like influencer marketing or sponsored content. Younger audiences don’t respond well to display ads anyway, but they do respond well to influencer marketing, so making the switch is advisable in any situation.

9. Voice Searches 

According to a study, 55% of teenagers use voice search daily. Voice search is poised to gain traction in the coming years, as evidenced by the widespread use of technology among today's youth. Voice search, a feature that most of us received with our smartphones in 2014, is growing in popularity. 

In addition, smart speakers are becoming increasingly popular, and Alexa and Google Home smart speakers have been purchased by 20% of households. People's gradual acceptance of voice-controlled devices is a good sign that this new way of doing things is here to stay. For the second time, Google says that its voice search has a 95 percent accuracy rate. 

The simplicity of use of voice search has increased as a result of improved search precision. Besides, the process is more appealing and personalized now that it is easier to use your voice to receive results and more accurate to match what you ask for. Finally, it is predicted that by 2022, half of all internet purchases will get made using voice results. 

Digital marketers have a stunning $40 billion in untapped potential. Making your website suitable for voice search is vital for the future because of so many development drivers.

10. Image and video SEO for visual searches

You already know you can search for images and videos by typing in keywords, but did you know you can also submit existing images for a search, or even take original photos and search for context? As more users discover these visual search techniques, it changes the overall landscape of SEO in general.

digital marketing trends of 2021

With Google Lens, people can take a photo of something they want to buy and receive search results that lead directly to product pages.

To capitalize on the increased amount of visual searches, you want to make sure your image and video SEO campaigns are in tip-top shape. For starters, apply the basics:

- always include alt text in your image descriptions

- add images to your sitemap or create a dedicated image sitemap

- include your target SEO keywords in the file name of your image

- use top-quality images and videos, including HD

Moreover, familiarize yourself with Google Lens, especially if you’re an eCommerce brand. Handle your SEO techniques right, and you can take traffic away from competitors when shoppers conduct picture searches for products or barcodes.

11. Programmatic Advertising 

Programmatic ad buying gets used to acquire digital advertisements. On the other hand, automated buying is a process that uses algorithms and machines to buy ads rather than human intervention. 

Advertisers can more precisely target their intended consumers using AI-assisted programmatic advertising. 

In the long run, both higher conversion rates and cheaper client acquisition costs are benefits of automation. 

Ads can be bought and sold on a case-by-case basis using real-time bidding, a programmatic ad buying technique that enables more precise and quick targeting.

12. Interactive content

Here’s a trend that’s technically been around for a while, but it’s just now being recognized as a best practice. Interactive content doesn’t just promote more engagement, it also improves the user’s enjoyment.

Digital marketing trends 2021

Interactive content like quizzes, open-ended questions, surveys, contests, giveaways, polls, calculator widgets, etc., can do wonders for your brand. At the very least, they increase the length of time users engage with you, which helps your standing in algorithm-based searches and feeds. But more importantly, people want to be engaged, so interactive content almost always improves your user experience.

Twitter Polls are quick, easy, and effective—just be sure to stay on-brand with topics. 

Interactive content is part of the greater trend toward personalization; by allowing the users to answer for themselves or have their opinion heard, they feel a more personal connection to the brand. Don’t forget it can also be used to collect data on user preferences, such as for product or site improvements.

13. Automated and Personalized Email Marketing 

Automated email marketing, as the name suggests, involves sending emails to your consumers regularly, depending on preset triggers or timetables. 

As far as digital marketing channels go, email has always been the most trustworthy. Promotional emails are a great way to communicate with your customers about your company's accomplishments or upcoming sales. However, most consumers have ceased replying to promotional emails due to the overuse of bulk email approaches. 

Personalized emails are an excellent way to reclaim your customers' attention and build a more engaged consumer base.

14. Customer segmentation

Another trend that’s not new but rather newly popular is customer segmentation. The idea is simple: instead of a small number of large marketing campaigns targeting general audiences, it’s better to have a large number of small marketing campaigns targeting specific audiences.

digital marketing trend

Customer segmentation means grouping your target audience by certain traits or behaviors, such as demographics or shopping habits. This allows you to more accurately tailor your content to suit their preferences; for example, having two separate email lists for big spenders and small spenders, and sending different newsletters to each that feature different products.

You’re free to choose how to segment your customers, but the most common divisions are demographic, psychographic, geographic, behavioral, and customer journey. Via Intercom

This strategy works best for personalization and customer engagement, as your followers receive content hand-picked for them. Beyond email lists, you can apply customer segmentation to specialized ads on different sites, categories of blog content, and social media content for multiple communities.

15. Local SEO

Google frequently updates its local SEO algorithm, so if you’re a local business, you should continuously update your business’ appearance in local results too. In a way, local SEO is even more powerful than broad SEO—people searching for a specific type of business with their geographic location have more intent to purchase, so it’s easier to convert them.

digital marketing trend

For starters, you have to get verified by Google. You can do this by signing up for Google My Business and either claiming your listing or creating a new one. This helps you rank higher in Google SERPs and gives you a chance to offer additional information about your company to online searchers.

Additionally, you want to incorporate local keywords prominently into your SEO strategy. Obviously, prioritize the name of your city or town as a top keyword, but you can go the extra mile by also incorporating related keywords. If your location has a famous landmark or quirky claim-to-fame, mention it once or twice.

16. Oldies but goodies

Not all of the best digital marketing trends of 2023 are from 2023. Plenty of marketing trends from last year or the year before are still going strong, and will continue to be game-changers throughout the next year as well. And if you still haven’t implemented them yet, there’s more urgency now than ever before.

Shoppable Posts: social media posts that directly connect users to product checkout tend to increase conversions by streamlining the payment process. See if you’re eligible for Checkout on Instagram.

Gen Z Marketing: last year saw the eldest of Gen Z turning 18 and entering the workforce. If you want to infiltrate this young market, first understand the best practices for marketing to Gen Z.

Micro-influencers: as opposed to premier influencers, micro-influencers are more like average people who have larger-than-average social media followers. If you attract enough of them, typically through social media contests and giveaways, you can achieve the same numbers as top-level influencers at a fraction of the cost and effort.

Voice Search SEO: since voice assistants first hit the market a few years ago, voice searches have been upending traditional SEO tactics—people don’t use the same keywords when they talk as when they type! Try altering your SEO strategy to incorporate speech keywords.

Now, you are all updated with the upcoming trends in digital marketing to scale your business.

I hope this article helps you to improve your practice in marketing and to build your business as a solid brand. 

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If you are a beginner in digital marketing, then here's the complete digital marketing course for you and a complete copywriting course as your Bonus. 

Digital marketing book of the year


  1. These 16 tips are useful but local SEO and Content are very important. We are leading columbus seo company and offers SEO services.


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