6 Fastest way to get huge traffic for new website - Marketing Strategy

Have you just opened your website but not getting any traffic? Don't worry we have got you covered. 

What if you have to start a new website for your new online business or let's say you are new and really want to get huge organic traffic in the fastest way.  Here in this blog, I will tell you exactly how you can get your full traffic by these 6 marketing strategies. If you are going to apply these marketing strategies for your website then it will be an awesome kick start for your website. 

These strategies are all practical and when I say practical I mean to say that I am only talking action here. If you will do your action, you are definitely going to get the result and if you will shake them off then sorry, it would be just another waste of your time. 

Let's begin,

Step 1 - Interview People From the Same Niche As You.

Ok, so don't directly go for it after just opening your website, you have to create some sort of authority to your work, so make sure your website looks good and have some amazing blogs already in it. 

Now, if you take an interview with some of the experts in that particular niche, first of all, everybody loves to give an interview, it makes them feel successful and when I said expert people, I mean people who are trying hard to get success like you. For example, if you have 1000 Instagram followers, you would like to take an interview who has at least has 5000 to 10000 followers. Because you can't expect big accounts with millions of followers to give an interview to you Because that will be hard for you as a beginner. 

So find people in your niche who have the need to get popular, Once you will do that, they will not only give you the interview but they will share it with their audience as well. Now their audience has your attention, so make sure your website has that potential convert the visitor into a follower. 

Conclusion:- Take interviews of other website owners in the same niche into your new website to grow your website traffic in the fastest way, also you will earn the backlink from other website owners as well. It means good ranking in google. It's a win-win.

Step 2 - Free Give-Away.

Right now you are new to the market for your niche so you have to offer something very attractive to the audience of your market. For example, there is an opening of a new shop in your nearby market and they are offered for all new customers a 90% discount above 500 Rupee shopping, Isn't it amazing?  You definitely want to go to that shop to utilize that opportunity right. In the same way, you have to provide free giveaways to all your audience. 

Create some informative pdf of your best content that can add value to your audience or give away your free service. It could be anything which will help people and they could really appreciate you for that.

What will happen with this is, it will create viral effects and the people who will notice your offer will spread the news about your service or website. More people will likely to have that offer.

You can capture their email id and then you can always give them update about your new blog or service.

Conclusion: -  Free giveaways to have the attention of your market audience. More traffic meaning more success and capturing their email ids meaning evergreen traffic for your new website.

Step 3 - Push Notification strategies 

Now when you have successfully stored your all-new visitor's email id, now leverage push notification marketing strategies for your website's fastest organic growth.

Every time you make a new change to your website or you publish a new blog or new service, you can always use email marketing and notify all your audience about it. When you do it on daily basis, what you do is, you create authority for your work, soon they will recognize your brand or website name and they will start trusting you even though they don't come to your website every time but if they are getting an email from you daily and they are noticing it, it means your work is getting done. 

Conclusion:- Start sending the push notification to all your audience and soo they will trust you and that is very good for your long-time business.

Step 4:- Use paid ads offer and promotion by Google Adwords.  

I know it's hard to run google ads for your website when your website is new but let me tell you one thing, the fastest you get traffic to your new website, your website will get a good ranking for organic searches. So it is best to look after your website needs. People make this mistake a lot often, they don't even consider pay ads for getting traffic until they are not selling anything inside their website. I will say you must acquire your customer even before you launched any of your products, you need to create an authority to your work and if you do so, your previous visitors will immediately become your customer whenever you will launch your product because they know your work or your website from a long time and they gladly trust you now. 

So take advantage of google Adword offer & promotion where they give amazing ad credits for free, utilize them, and run ads for your fresh website. Nothing could be more fastest than this, remember the motive behind it.

Conclusion:- Create google ads and increase your initial website traffic for long time success. Your website will not only perform well but it will get a good ranking in google search result pages. 

Step5:- Guest Posting For Good  Search Engine Ranking. 

It comes under the basic SEO knowledge that your website going to get huge success if your website has more backlinks. Meaning your website link should be used in a lot of different websites as a reference. 

You have to put your website link in other same niche websites as a reference in any related context and the best way to do that is by grabbing the guest post opportunity on those particular websites.

You have to give some value in exchange for your backlinks to those websites. So find 10 to 30 websites and mail their owner for guest posting and if they will allow you, your one post will be there on their website, in front of their audience which will link back to your website. 

It might sound easy but it actually takes a lot of effort, but if you want success, you have to go for it. 

Conclusion:- Collect backlinks as much as you can through guest posting on other websites, this is the ultimate key to get success in SEO like google for the high ranking of your website. So go for it. 

Step6:- Comment on other website blogs to get noticed. 

Remember you are new and your website needs more attention, so the best way to get that is to comment on another similar blog. Not spa commenting but genuine commenting.

What will happen is, you will not only get noticed by the blog writer but by their audience as well. If they would like to run a background check on you, they will click on your name which will lead them to your website. So Leverage this opportunity, might seem less working but it works a lot in the best way to get the fastest organic traffic to your website. 

Conclusion:- Get Noticed by commenting on other websites so that you can get noticed by other website owners or to their audience. 

You can't come up with the same question or the same search "how to increase the website traffic". Because now I have given you the best strategies. 

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