How does sales funnel works and makes you sale fast & sale more

85 % of businessmen are using sales funnel to convert their traffic into their customer and if you are new, now you can use it too.

Introduction to sales funnel 

Funnel is a journey of the visitors to the destination where they becomes the customer. So the entire process of converting a visitor to a customer is called sales funnel. A customer get enter in sales funnel by clicking on the link and then they follow the path depict by maker to the end where they finally make their purchase. 
Check the image description and then I will explain it in detail.


All the stages will be the same for every person but creating the path for the customer could be different. Like I know the concept of funnel so I will just do it my own ways. 

What is the intend of working with sales funnel

1. It keeps customer engaged.

2. It give you the data of the customer for email marketing purpose. 

3. It build trust among the visitor through knowing about you or your service in the funnel.

4. A customer leaves the funnel has high chances to get back if you consistently pitch them through mail as a reminder. 

5. You not only make a sale through it but you can also make up-sale with it. Meaning you can sale any other similar item with it. Like If I made funnel for toothpaste then I will pitch my toothbrush along with it and then I will pitch the whole kit of dental care with it, See how easily I sold my product one by one and all I need to do is driving the traffic to my funnel.  

6. Once you made a customer with it, then you can assume that customer your potential customer. You can always pitch that customer with new offers in future.

How it works from start till the end ? 

I am going to show you the Blue print of the sales funnel. Which I get to know by spending a lot of money on courses through out my journey of becoming digital marketer. So this piece of content must be your first concern to grow in the best way possible for your business. 

Let's get started. First observe the below chart closely.


I Will tell you later where to make your funnel very easily but now assume that you have created your funnel and then follow the chart.

1 .Now you have link of your funnel with you.

2. Share that link on all social media that's call SMM (social media marketing) and also share that link through email to your all contacts of fb & linkdln. 

3. When any person will click the link, they will reach to you "optin page". where you have introduced  your product or service and offering the great discount and to avail that discount, visitor need to fill their details like email id & name, phone number etc. Now you can use that info later to send them mails.

4. After they enter their details, they will be at your "landing page" where you are giving them free sample and pitching them to buy your product. 
Use story telling method to make strong Call to action appeal. Remember the strong CTA is really important in the end of the landing page, so make a really good pitch and for that go to all my blogs to know about the psychology behind customers automatic response to take action.

5. Once they've taken the action and they will be at checkout "Thank you page" where you thank them to make purchase and along with that you will give them some another offer at the end of the thank you page.

6. Once they click the button at thank you page to see other option, they will be at "up-sale page" where you will offer them more products and when the click any of the product or offer they will again directed to the landing page of that product. The cycle will repeat .

Remember Where you have to repeat the cycle   

> Cycle will repeat when any visitor will come to your op-tin page and then leave your page . You have to keep on marketing your link through social media or any other way of marketing. You have to keep pitching your visitor to check your offer through the link.  

> Cycle will repeat after op-tin page when the visitor fill their details and then you can send your link to them again to their email id. 

> Cycle will repeat at up-sale page to the landing page all over again. 

So I hope now you get the idea of sale funnel and how it works. When you work sells funnel, it look so professional and that's how you can build the trust among your visitors. 

Any body can use the Sale Funnel, any body. Even if you are just selling one or two product or just one service, you can use it too.

Now where you can create your sale funnel  
clickfunnel - Here you can easily with few steps can create your own funnel and then you can share that link as per the chart above.

Start working now. For any query feel free comment or to search on google how to start. 

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